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Craps Any 7 Bet

The Any 7 Bet is a wager that the dice will come up 7 in any combination. The h pays 4 to 1 on this bet. If any other number comes up, the player will lose. The Any 7 Bet is considered a proposition bet or one-roll bet and generally, a sucker bet because of the huge house advantage.

There are 30 dice combinations that will result in a loss, while only 6 dice combinations will give a player a win. 30:6 is actually 5:1, but the house only pays 4:1, which gives them a ridiculously high 16.67% house advantage. Whether you are online gamblingor casino gambling, stay away from the Any 7 Bet and stick to the Pass Line, Come, Odds, and their opposites Don't Pass Line and Don't Come Bet.

Article Submitted by:
Josh Gabbins, Gambling Editor.

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