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Debit and credit cards Payment Options

Looking for the perfect depositing or online casino payment method? The main factor you will need to consider is whether the depositing/payment method you have in mind is servicing the online gaming industry or not. In this article, the status of credit and debit cards as eBanking methods is discussed to help you make an educated decision in the subject.


In the beginning, the online gaming industry accepted credit and debit cards as common methods for depositing into a player’s casino account or for a casino to distribute funds. With the development of the industry, the marked opposition of some sectors, and the lack of means of entire groups of players, an obvious decrease in the use of credit cards and debit cards was palpable. Today, it is indeed difficult to find a credit card company willing to support Online Gambling activities through its credit card services, or a casino operator offering their services as an online casino payment method. A similar situation, although not so bold, is being experience by debit cards.

From the view point of the casino operators, a few convenience and legal issues related to cash back practices from the players, diminished their interest in this form of online casino payment method. Another important factor was the sudden unwillingness of credit card companies to provide services to the online gaming industry based on governmental pressures to do so. In addition, the unavailability of credit cards in some localized sectors of the online gaming industry (as it is the case in Central and South America) made it clear that a more readily available payment method had to be put into practice. All the above-mentioned reasons propelled the creation of more reliable new eBanking methods.

The eWallet Connection

What seems to be working fabulously is the use of credit and debit cards as the methods to put money in h accounts form which the funds will be provided to the online casino brand. In other words, the online casino payment method remains an eWallet service while the money present in the eWallet account is still proceeding from a credit or debit card. With out any kind of opposition from governmental laws or from the online casino operators, the credit/debit card connection seems to be a wining combination for all.

Credit Vs. Debit

From the player’s perspective, there should be a big difference between choosing to fund one’s gaming activities through a credit card or through a debit card. The main concern regarding this issue should fall upon one single aspect: responsible gambling. In other words, one should practice some control upon the amount of money wagered within a determined timeframe, and the easiest way to do so is by choosing a debit card as opposed to a credit card.

credit cards’ limit is not related to an actual amount of money present in a bank account. Counter wise, the money available through a debit card is dependent on the actual amount of money currently present in a bank account. Therefore, regardless of the online casino payment method chosen in the end, more control can be exercised when gambling through a debit card than through a credit card. Even more secure, is to open a specific bank account that includes debit card services and allocate it to online gaming activities only. That way, one can always make sure the wagers will never exceed a predetermined amount of money agreed to be assigned to online gaming.

Article Submitted by:
Harry Cohen, Editor.

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