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ewallets and paypal as Payment Options

As part of your preparation to play at online casinos, you should invest some time getting to know the online casino payment methods the casino(s) of your preference offers. In this electronic era we live in, the most popular options are ewallets and paypal.


ewallets and paypal paying methods came into the game as an effective alternative to tackle convenience, security, legality and time related issues related to the classic casino payment methods such as wire transfers, credit card, debit card and bank drafts. However, the boom and proliferation of these ewallets and paypal online banking methods was not restricted to the remote gaming industry, but disseminated as a fundamental link in the development of the eCommerce plateau as a whole.

At some point, ewallet and paypal operations became the vehicle of anti-gambling legislations and attitudes against the Online Gambling industry and were obligated to abandon their presence in that particular sector of the e-commerce plateau. For some years now, laws and governmental pressure concerning the banning of online casino gaming activities have had an immediate influence over the activities of ewallet and paypal banking services regulating, banning or simply obstructing the utilization of ewallets and paypal as viable online casino payment methods, the most famous cases being the US and Canada.

Who is Left?

Regardless of governmental initiatives to stop the development of the online gaming industry via obstruction of payment methods, some recognized eBanking/eCashing services do still support online gaming activities. Two of the most reliable ewallet companies still dealing with online casino payment methods are: e, and e. The rest of the eCommerce-ewallet services have either stopped supporting online gamming activities or remained doing so in very specific places under very specific conditions (as it is the case of paypal in the UK).


This titan ewallet operation was one of the most popular in the online gaming sector eCommerce plateau. Nonetheless, as a direct result of the anti-gambling attitudes, bills and legislations passed in the US that concluded in the infamous October 13th, 2006 event, paypal has stopped taking online gaming depositors in all fields with the sole exception of those derived from a UK based sportsbook online gaming operation. Unless you are a non-American citizen, you can still enjoy of the services of paypal through that bookmaker site in the UK, but other than that, paypal remains just a nice memory of an efficient online casino payment method supporter.

Things to Consider

While still counting with a wide arrange of ewallet companies willing to services the online gamming market if you are not a US (or Canadian, some times even Turkish) citizen, you need to have in mind the ewallet operation’s regulations regarding the conditions under which the services are provided. Some of the things you should check are the pay out times, minimum deposit/withdrawal amounts, and the currency exchange rate offered by them. Although any delays in having your casino money available in your ewallet account are generally related to casino’s payout timetables and regulations, it is always good to know if the transactions could experience any holdups. Regarding minimum deposit/withdrawal amounts, many ewallet services will have a pre-established minimum amount of money that must be present in the account in order to carry out any transactions with an online casino brand. Finally, the rate exchange relates to the money exchange rate among currencies that must be taken care of if the ewallet service currency in which the account has been opened differs from that of the casino payer’s account.

Article Submitted by:
Tera Lee, Gaming and Casino Journalist.

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